As for the happier stuff:
Happy Birthday Yi Tai, and Happy Belated Birthday PHAT/Mingyao. =P...did you like your feather, MY? =D
Yeah, went to MY's birthday party yesterday with WeeLiang and Aaron. Played DM, Xbox and Wii there, as well as betray all MY's secrets to his dad. Wonderful 14th birthday. LOL.
MY's Dad: So, I want to know, has MingYao been behaving well in school?
WeeLiang+Me: Yes, he's a very good boy, people bully him he also dunwan fight back.
Me: Yalo, very good, he only break a regular of 3 school rules per day.
Opps. =D
Oh, and Happy Birthday again, Yi Tai. Sorry, no present. Need anything? =)
That's all then. Going for my little solo shopping spree for more games, DM, maybe a present for SOMEONE, and possibly get some wax too. Getting bored at home, need some games...and time away from home with no one to talk to. Lol.
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