My Micromouse competition finally ended. It's actual name is the 19th Inter School Micromouse Competition, but I can't be bothered to remember. Wait, I did. Never mind.
In any case, it was fun. We got into finals! Pon 2 days of school! Woo! But now I have to catch up with homework. Lol.
Nothing much to blog about there that the vast majority of the student population will understand. Basically, we ran robots when it was our turn, and when it wasn't, DotA. =D...There's still the classic Solitaire or Minesweeper though. And Half-Life 2 on my computer. Nothing like a horror game to bond cca mates. =D
So, yeah, in case you haven't got the news yet, we got CUTEST BOT AWARD!!! WOO!!! xD...erm, yeah, the robot can actually be found, at least the pic, both in its original, running form and cute mouse form, at my Facebook. Be sure to check it. =D
That's all then. Have to sleep now. NJRC briefing at Science Centre tomorrow...>.<
Good night, peeps!
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