The Maths paper was fun. No, I'm not going nuts or anything. It's just that before the exam, I just feel all tensed up, want to avoid test, etc etc. But when I start pwning all the questions, it gets better. A good chance to excercise my mind in any case. Especially question 3b of Paper 2. Spent the last half an hour doing question 3b. Lol...solved it using my own method in the end. =)
Went to Mingyao's house after that. Nothing much, except that Guanwen followed this time. Old joker. I pwned him in Halo, rocket launchers map. Seriously, GW, the rocket moves at a slow rate, so don't aim me, aim where I'm moving.
Getting a new laptop over the weekend, I think. My Toshiba's VERY outdated. Lol. A change is always good. =D
Hm...any suggestions about laptops?
Oh, and some of you might be wondering what my DP and my new MSN nick actually means. Um...the actual word can be found on this blog. Search 'Writings'. =D
That's all then.
MYE's over!!! =D!!! Time to stress myself up writing. Lol.
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