The match was as follows:
Eugene randoms and repicks. He gets Kunka. I choose Bloodseeker. 2nd time playing, I wanted to test a build. And yeah, I thought about the build so long he got 2 levels ahead of me. >.<...
Anw I was disabling him, and thanks to my last-minute double WB with Vanguard build (not that original, I know.) I outtanked him and Ruptured him. FB. =)
And, err, yeah, I killed him three times before he started playing hum. Then he suddenly ended my killing streak. =(...
And, err, yeah from there I dunno how he farmed, but he got ghey dmg and managed to push all the way and won. Too bad I was too fast for him to kill. But he still won...>.<
And so, nice game anw. 1st time playing against a friend this year. LOL.
Okay, now about something more people will understand.
Went for my 1st keyboards class today. Somehow I had already learnt everything in this 1st lesson. =(...but at least I practiced. =). The next lesson seems to be better. At least I don't understand the notes.
So, that's all.
Oh, and if you want to bother to, check my archives. Did my writing style really change in 1 year?
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