On another note, I'm hoping WW4 in 2K has ended. If not, then dammit.
What's the use of warring? I'm probably not fit to advise on these matters now, but truthfully, once you start a war against another person, you get angry, offended party gets angry, you waste time, and effort, said offended party wastes time and effort. It's not worth it.
Of every example you have ever known, has an attacked person ever learnt anything about their mistakes? Quite the opposite, they'll get angrier at you. If it was your fault in the beginning, then yeah, you were being unreasonable, as I had been. But if it was their fault, they probably won't learn. Why bother? Just leaving said person alone or trying to talk it out is the best method.
Once again, if you all don't feel like taking my advise, I'm fine with that. After all, I can't be trusted that much anymore, yeah?
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