I didn't really receive anything big. But hey, why should I expect big gifts? =)
Anyway, thanks Mei Ting, Christine and Hui Zhen for all the chocolates, cards, etc etc. Honestly, I didn't expect anyone to prepare such a mass amount of gifts. Where do you people get the time from? =O
Yes, I DID buy a rose for a FRIEND. Note that she's just a friend, in case you people love to tease. =)...wanted to buy for more, but scared I kana dsiaoed AND cashless for lunch. =)
CCA was fine. Sumobot pwns. =)...LOL Yi Kun's team the bot pro sia. Attach a spinning wheel/chaingun/saw/electric fan to the front. Too bad it wasted motor power, so it wasn't that good an idea after all. The steadiest bot was still the one whose team had advanced tutoring in the form of Xin Yu building some of the bot for them. >.<
Nothing much to type about. Remember, add me at thereshallbenoobs@hotmail.com. I lost my 6E07, 1A08, 2K09 and Robotics contacts lists. T.T
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