BTW, for the 2K-ians I have't linked yet, your turn will come someday this year, not to worry. I'm just a little too busy now.
So, yeah, QUITE an okay day today. I sense that Chinese lessons MIGHT potentially suck. I dunno yet, but I think so.
Got into PW groups during Homeec today. 3-people group. An average group has 4 people. Taking it as the workload of a person in a 4-people group is 100%, a person in a 3-people group would have to do...
100% x 4 = 400%
400% / 3 = 133% more times the work. This is saddening mathematics. 0.o
Well, at least nobody looks like a slacker to me. =)
Oh, and any flood or global warming-related quizzes from anyone? I need some urgently. Thanks.
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