Been blogging and chatting with others recently, and I find that everyone's crazy about finding a partner. I mean, wth is wrong with them? No gf can flirt and no one to slap you leh. =X...nvm...
And, err, yeah, I guess I missed out on a lot today too. Bloody CCA. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, possibly Thursday, and Friday. >.<
Yeah, MM competition tomorrow. Can pon school. =)
Thing is, I'm coming to school bloody early for the CT and the training. Sianned.
And there's another competition in Feb...
So, I see that the class board is doing well without me. 0.o
JYJY. May 2K get 1st. =)
Oh, and does anyone think a remix of Axel F will be good for the Music performance? Originally there isn't a guitar, but I'm gunna add 1 in. The motif will still be there though. It'll be like, I play the motif and variations, Ming Yao play guitar, either Zi Feng or Darrel do the 'ding ding' and 'breakdown' vocal effects. The other who doesn't have a job will play the drums. A very unelectronic version of Axel F. 0.o
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