And dammit, Maths isn't completed yet. At least I finished To Kill a Mockingbird. 0.o
A few things I learnt from Taiwan:
1) Singapore food is much better.
2) Taiwanese people don't care about Christmas.
3) Shopping in Taiwan sux. But maybe that's because I don't enjoy shopping in the first place.
4) Winter in Taiwan is extremely survivable as compared to Beijing.
5) Everywhere in Taipei or any other city, Taiwanese locals only care about politics.
6) Taiwan has some quite good scenery, but we spend too less time there.
7) Singapore is better than Taiwan. =)
Oh, and sorry I missed this. I'll say it now though,
A (very) belated Merry Christmas!
That shall be all. I don't really look forward to school coz my homework isn't done. =X
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