So. First, name ten boys (gays count). (Fine. So be it.)
M1. Desmond
M2. Bai Chuan (I think of irritating people 1st. =X)
M3. Elwin
M4. Yi Yang
M5. Rong Wei
M6. Guang Jun
M7. Gerald
M8. Chng Kiat
M9. Kenzie
M10. Aaron
Now, name ten girls. (Les count?) (And, yeah, so be it.)
F1. Joo Hwee
F2. Evan-van (XD)
F3. Nicola
F4. Jia Ying
F5. Jia Yi
F6. Jing Yi
F7. Wei Ling
F8. Jane
F9. Selina
F10. Natalie
Okay, now time for the questions. Let's start with the boring ones. (In Selina’s words, not mine)
-What if M8 got first in class? (Chng Kiat)
Not surprised. IF it only consists of Maths, and Maths alone.
-If F1 suddenly joined your CCA how would you react? (JH)
Woah. Err, yeah, she’s the scientific type, so can la. Only scared Robotics too cheem for her.
-What if M3 suddenly grew shorter/taller than you? (Elwin.)
He’ around the same height as me. Um…I’ll be shocked if it’s either.
-If F10, out of nowhere, treated you to a meal, what would you think her secret motive is? (Natalie)
I dunno, but I better check for poison in case. You never know with Nat.
-M6(for guys)/F6(for girls) falls in love with an unexpected person (e.g., the most ugly/hated/unpopular person) in you class. What would you think of him/her? (GJ)
Ah Guang likes EVERYONE. Yeah.
-What if M1 was a vampire? (Desmond)
He’d suck everyone dry, verbally.
-Is M10 a gay? (Aaron)
He’s a gay gamer. And occasionally calls himself Jessica.
-What if M7 raped F4? (Gerald) (Jia Ying)
Gerald? Not surprised. But SOMEONE will bash him up proper.
-Is F2 a lesbian? (Evan-van)
Can’t be. There’s still the thing about the ET/Evan photo…=X Nothing.
-If M9 reveals to you that he is a world-renowned superhero, what will you do? (Kenzie)
I’ll laugh my head, arms, and legs off, then die and tell the big joke to Heaven’s angels. Anti-hero, maybe.
-If F8 announced that she was migrating, you would... (Jane)
Be sad. I guess. I think she’ll migrate to somewhere where Cabal Premium is a lot more cheaper. Anyway, I’ll miss the hyper kia. XD
-What if you never met M3(for guys)/F3(for girls)? (Elwin)
I wouldn’t be as sick in the mind as I am now.
-What if you never met F8(for guys)/M8(for girls)? (Jane)
I wouldn’t have anyone to talk about Cabal’s Combo System or o2Jam or DAL to. Yeah.
-What if M4 contracted a disease and would die in two months? (Yi Yang)
How do you know his greatest wish? I’d be happy for him.
-If M1(for guys)/F1(for girls) was of the opposite gender instead...... (Desmond)
I can imagine, ‘coz he’s acted out the role multiple times. I’d be too scared to flirt with him/her.
Name what would happen if the following dated:
- M5 and F4 (RW) (Jia Ying)
Wow. That has to look wrong.
- M2 and F9 (BC) (Sel)
LOLOLOLOLOL. I mean, maybe…
- M10 and F7 (Aaron) (Wei Ling)
They don’t know each other. But yeah, their personalities are different…to a certain extent. XD
- M8 and F2 (CK) (Evan-van)
The guy’s too short for the girl. =X
-What would you do if F9(for guys)/M9(for girls) confesses to you that he/she likes you? (Selina)
Can’t you ever ask something that sounds alright? I mean, she wouldn’t do that. But in that case, I would run off and hope for a different class in Sec 2. It’s not Sel though, it’s just me. I’m like that when you talk about BGR.
-Now switch the two numbers over. (Yes, M9 for guys and F9 for girls) (Kenzie)
He’s been calling me a geek and nerd for the whole year. I doubt he’ll change his mind.
-Would you ever be in a relationship with F3(for guys)/M3(for girls)? (Nicola)
Fist-and-punching-bag relationship. Already there. I’m the punching bag. But in the sense that you’re asking? No way.
-Will M4 and F5 ever date each other? (Yi Yang) (Jia Yi)
Um…they don’t know each other, and their personalities…yeah, you know.
-If M7 started steading F1? (Gerald) (JH)
It’ll be domestic violence on Gerald’s part. You have to pity JH.
So, that’s all. I don’t feel like saboing anyone.
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