Post-Camp Effects
Anyway, the events of the camp:
Free Time: Most used for bowling, or Time Crisis 3/4, Streetball, etc. etc. When stuck in chalet, we play Cheat, Bridge, Uno, Stress, Murderer, etc. etc. There.
Icebreaker Session: Believe it or not, a few KG of ice was bought, teams of 3 and 4 were formed, and we competed to see which team would crush the ice fastest. 0.o
Night Station Games: A tradition of AHS, or so they say. We simply drew a pic on syrofoam, they break the pic into 15 pieces, hide the pieces around Costa Sands Chalet Blk A-C. It was so dark...1st to find the pieces and form the pic back wins. My team won. XD
Amazing Race: another supposed AHS tradition, I don't have much to comment on here. Mainly because I was too sleepy.
You see, the AR was held on the second day. On the first night, almost all the boys/men stayed up the whole night to play some poker card games...and discuss nonsense. I stayed up to learn the game, and played once at 4-5am. I tried to sleep, but it's not easy sleeping on a staircase. T.T...
You see, the committee had decided that the 2nd storey room would be taken by the girls, and 1st storey by us guys. With every guy playing what-was-that-game-name-again, or doing homework, there's only the stairs left for me to sleep on. After attempting to take a nap, and failing, I decided to stay up and join the others. XD
I deeply regreted it the next day. So sleepy...the amazing thing was, I stayed up the next night too. Completed, like, 45-46 hours no sleep before dozing off. Hm...
I'm so tired now...
P.S. I heard this song while walking around Costa Sands. Reminds me of past times...
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