Bo Liao-ness
Name 5 people you can think of right off the top of your head.Don't read the questions underneath until you write the names of all 5 friends.This is actually alot funnier if you randomly list the names first. No cheating!
1. Joo Hwee
2. Hong Yu
3. Zhi Tao
4. Selina
5. Nicole
1) How did you meet 1? (Joo Hwee)
Ans: Well, in school? And on the class blog when I made everyone guess who this anonymous person is...XD
2) On the scale of 1-10, how would you rate your friendship with 1? (Joo Hwee)
Ans: Lemme think...I dunno. 7-8? *Don't xiang wai, please.* T.T
3) How long have you known 4? (Selina)
Ans: For 5 months 30 days approx. Classmates this year, duh. -.-
4) How do you know number 3? (Zhi Tao)
Ans: Well, we where classmates in primary school...and i forgot how I specifically met him. Except that it was in school. 0.o
5) Where's 5? (Nicole)
Ans: Don't ask me, I only know she's in Singapore. *Innocent look*
6) A fact about number 1? (Joo Hwee)(PLEASE STOP THE 1S.)
Ans: She can laugh worse than nobody's business. And she can improve dramatically at Minesweeper Flags. XD
7) Who is number 4 going out with? (Selina)
Ans: Don't make me say...I don't want to be killed...I don't know. Okay, kill me now.
8) What does number 1 do for a living? (Joo Hwee) (STOP THE FREAKING 1S)
Ans: Study? She'd most probably be a forensic scientist...
9) Would you live with number 3? (Zhi Tao)
Ans: Maybe, provided he doesn't do anythig to me...joking. But really, BE MORE MAN! Lolz, jkjk. Don't take it to heart if you're reading, ZT.
10) WHat do you like about number 2? (Hong Yu)
Ans: I dunno, I don't speak to him often nowdays...his supposed guai-ness? Not too guai though...and from sources not to be revealed, he's kind. 0.o - I dunno.
11) Do you miss number 5? (Nicole)
Ans: I just talked to her online a few days ago...
12) Would you make out with number 4? (Selina) (At least not Zhi Tao or Hong Yu...)
Ans: Excuse me? Run that by me again. *Whacks questioner*. Okay...There's a 0.00000000000000001% chance I'd want to, and 0.00000000000000000000001% chance that she'd want to. There's a 0.000000000001% chance that it will happen, so...multiply them.
13) What's your opinion of number 2? (Hong Yu)
Ans: He'd make a good SC, and yet will be popular. Ahem.
14) Ever had a long conversation with 5? (Nicole)
Ans: Not exactly 10 hours, but...quite long compared to most other MSN conversations of mine. And most are a 'hi, what's the...' 'thank you' kind of thing. Yeah.
15) Who have you known the longest?
Ans: Hong Yu. I think it was P1 or P2...
Tag 5 people to do this:
1. Hong Yu
2. Elaine
3. Joo Hwee
4. Nicola
5. Aaron
Okay, so that's that and thanks for reading.
Note: I HATE qn. no. 12. Enough for this to take up my signature.
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