Exams DO make you busy.
Yes, I'm back after a month. Exam's cool, I'm going to fail one or even possibly two subjects if I'm unlucky, but that's out of the point. The main thing is, it's time for CCA. Screw academics now.
And yes, so CCA it shall be now. Quite a number of things coming up recently. E4 Cluster camp, 20th ISMC, VEX, NJRC. And I'm most likely heading my ISMC group, unless I decide Joe or Yikun's up to the job. I'll rather Yikun handle NJRC though. Give him some practice at the very competition we always lose. It's less costly that way, and he gets his experience. And who knows, if we win we know what Yikun's capable of. I guess.
Today's meeting actually taught me quite a few things I should have thought of so long ago. Why the hell was I caring about rank? We're the ex-co. We plan stuff together as a whole. We act as one, plot as one, win as one, lose as one, and all in the name of the Club. There's no need for ambition going on here. Everyone's equal, or at least everyone's opinion is as equal as it can be. No major fights, no splits. Power DOES matter, but not in a place like the RC. Maybe one day I'll find a time to rise up and seize control if I can, but not in Robotics. There was never any politics going on. I guess I was deluding myself. At least I hope...